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Wednesday, May 4, 2022


 MAYDAY! MAYDAY!  This is not the best picture of me, but it is my current condition. On a recent Sunday late afternoon, after a very nice day spent outside hanging windchimes and planting seeds I tripped over a box I put down and then forgot about. On the way to the floor I caught my arm on the computer chair and wrenched my shoulder out of joint. We called my daughter to drive me to the emergency room and my husband stayed with Hillary. Eight hours, several doses of strong pain killers, one nerve bock, and four attempts later my shoulder was back together and we were on the way home. I still don't know if surgery is needed, but no bones appear to be broken. I expect lots of physical therapy to be in my future at the very least. It's always something!  

The background picture was taken about a week before the leaves started budding in earnest.
This picture was taken from the middle of the board walk at Lake George at Schooley's Mountain County Park, looking toward the falls.
This one is from the same spot facing the opposite direction where a couple streams feed the lake. I went with my sister in law about a week before I injured myself. We had a great time hiking and talking and ended with going for a lunch of omelets at a diner in a nearby town. It was sunny, but cold and windy that day so the coffee we had at the diner with our eggs hit the spot!
Primroses I planted many years ago that have thrived in spite of weeds covering them most of the time in the past. I love their sunny yellow color.
Some violets growing wild along the driveway. This is the first year we've had them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! And that look on your face says it all!