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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

January Almost Gone!

     It's hard to believe that January is almost over already!  Although it has felt like an extremely long month, it has gone by so quickly that I am surprised to realize there are only a few days left.  I still have some Christmas decorations up!  I guess part of me must be stuck in the recent past or something.  I've been busy with filling out forms for applications for services for my daughter and myself, and helping my husband with some that he needs to do.  I guess the new year brings new forms to fill out!  I sure hope this trend does not continue throughout 2023 or I'm going to be one extremely cranky person as I truly hate filling out forms. I'm not sure which is worse, ones that give you barely any room to write your answer (unless you are a mouse using a mouse sized pen) or ones that give you multiple choice boxes to check but the options they give don't really apply to you, forcing you to decide which option is closest to the truth.  And honestly, who is really reading all these forms?  I think the answer is NOBODY and they just want them for your file in case there is some question about the validity of their actions so they can go back and say "but look what she wrote there", moving any blame squarely onto your shoulders and off of theirs.  Ok, rant over! haha! Just had to put that out there, in case anyone else feels the same.

Anyhow, lest you think I have only negative thoughts to begin the new year, I wrote a couple of short verses.  It's always a treat when I get up in time to watch the moon set while the sun is rising.  It most often happens when the moon is full and bright enough to overcome the light sky, it's a little bit like the universe saying "there is a balance to everything"--one light rises and another one goes down--another new chance to find balance in your life.

I seriously dislike watching or listening to news reports because there is so much yelling and arguing always leading the stories they report on.  As all the hollering and bickering is happening, we all have to just try and set that aside and keep doing the good things that we can do to bring something positive into every day.  It can be hard, I know,  but somehow we do manage to do that.  We need to celebrate that more.  That is what inspired this next verse.  The picture was just my shadow one day as I stood on the landing of my back deck looking at the sky and the lake in the distance.

May 2023 be kind to us all!


Anonymous said...

I agree 100% with your wish "May 2023 be kind to us all!" And may it be kindest of all to you with no (or very few!) new forms to fill out!!

Anonymous said...

January did go by fast, and February will be the same.
I fear the year will be gone, before I can accomplish a quarter
of what I'm trying to.
Your poems and reflections on life are always a pick-me-up.
Keep up the good work and hope you have less forms in 2023.
I had quite a few myself in 2022.
May 2023 be better for us all, as you said.