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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Snow in February

Roaring winds bend frozen trees
Wind chimes dance along
White winter brings us to our knees
As nature sings its song
We huddle under blankets
Through the dark of night
When dawn breaks we look outside
At a sparkling frosted sight.
We sigh and take a welcome sip
Of our steaming brew
Knowing soon we'll be part of it
We've got shoveling to do.
From 2/15/15

Winter morning cold and gray,
Thus begins another day,
Rain is forecast for the eve,
If weather forecasts we believe,
We cannot change what weather comes,
We must accept it and carry on.
From 2010

Normally, these poems would be appropriate to our area in February.  This year, however, we have not had much snow, ice or freezing temperatures with roaring winds. I'm glad of that! I know that we could still get a period of typical winter weather, but as we're at the end of the month, and the sun gets stronger every day, it wouldn't last for long.  It's not that it's been very warm; most days are in the 40's, but above freezing for the most part once the sun is up.

When I was growing up we almost always had deep snow in February.  I remember being outside with my brothers sledding and building big snowmen, building snow forts and having snowball fights and making snow angels.  I don’t see many snowmen any more when we do have deep snow.  I guess kids around here aren’t spending much time outside playing in the yard, with so many ways to spend time on electronic devices.  We also used to have a week off from school in February around Presidents Day, it was called Winter Break.  Some families went to Florida on that break, and I used to envy the tans they all had when school resumed.  They had spent the week in the sunshine and warmth, while I was home playing in the snow with my brothers.  Now I’m glad when we don’t have snow, as shoveling it, and putting down ice melter so we don’t slip and fall are not as much fun. One thing I do miss is taking a walk in the snow.  I used to go out for a walk when it was snowing, with my mother when I was young, and alone once I was grown and out on my own.  There’s something peaceful in the falling snow, whitening the landscape, and falling softly on your face.  I used to stop and look up into the sky, staring until I felt like I was a snowflake floating in the air, destined to land softly on a tree branch.  Sometimes I’d like to try that again, but the softness of the couch and warmth of a cup of tea and a snuggly blanket usually beckon me more than my boots and coat do. 

Every season is different, as is every year. I’m happy this winter season has been mostly snow and ice free.  The older I get, the less I enjoy wintry weather, especially if I need to go out in it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just loved the paragraph about snow in this post! I agree with it/feel the same way as you do! Like, I do love going for a walk while it's snowing. And I have childhood memories similar to yours. And, just like you, I am way less excited about winter than I used to be. :-)