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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Another New Year

One year ends
And one begins
They blend one
Into the other
I wish for all
Family and friends
More time
To be together
To love and laugh
And dance and cry
Sharing times
Both good and bad
To hug and talk
Support, protect
May this year
Be full of

Here we are starting a new year. Maybe  a new decade, but apparently there is some question as to whether the new decade starts with the year ending in “zero,”, or the year ending in “one”. I learned this on the third hour of a national news show this morning. I guess everything is up for debate these days and I have a feeling that we will continue to debate everything in the new year. I find it annoying and amusing by turns, depending on the subject, and to some extent my mood. We had the blue dress/white dress debate, and the “yannie/laurel” debate, and of course all the political crap with which we are constantly battered if we do anything besides sit alone at home in silence. Seems like that’s just the way we humans are programmed.

One thing I think we all can agree on is that we need other people. Whether it is those we are related to by blood, or those we have grown to love as family, we are better off having people close to us to share our lives with. When we laugh and cry together, celebrate and mourn together, life has a better quality. It gives us a richness to each event, and gives us a different perspective to consider; a sense of being understood, seen, belonging. It’s amazing how much better we feel after a hug in stressful times, or how a shared happy dance when a goal is met makes us feel delirious with pleasure. Togetherness is priceless. Family and friends are priceless.  Even those brief connections with random strangers are without equal.

For the new year, I wish for more connection with others for all of us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post! Right on the mark!