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Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Time Flew

Well, Christmas and New Year’s Eve came and went with all their busyness and celebration and food.  I felt like I didn’t stop eating from Thanksgiving until New Year’s Eve!  We had so many cookies and so much food on Christmas that we could have easily fed an army.  It was worth it, we have some nice memories now and new relationships to build as our children become adults and find significant others.  Gifts were exchanged, there were many laughs and it was wonderful.  I welcome 2022 and hope it brings us good things.  Even though it feels like we took 2 steps forward and then one step back, there is hope that we can move forward more this year than last.  Happy New Year!

This is a family favorite from my mother's recipe file.  My daughter and niece  make them now so the recipe continues through the generations.
Yes there are the molasses ginger snaps on this plate of cookies along with the shortbread from my husband's family and is another recipe passed down through the generations.  I love family recipes for Christmas cookies especially.
 I always feel a bit pensive on New Year's Eve and usually write a poem to share.  I love that I had a picture of a beautiful /December sunrise to use as the background.
I spent the 23rd of December wrapping all the gifts for my family. It took me 5 hours!  It was worth it to see the happiness gifts brought them

It was exceptionally cold this morning, especially since we've been having very warm temperatures for the most part lately. I found the grill cover had a sparkling coating of frost of it, and looking closely at it I was fascinated that it looked like a floral design such as one might see on a spring dress.  It seemed like the perfect background for a little verse about Jack Frost.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your pictures and your poems - and those cookies!! Glad you had a wonderful Christmas. I enjoyed this post, and am looking forward to your future 2022 posts!