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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Art of Sitting Still

The sun is out,
The air is hot,
Some like that,
Some do not,
Either way you’ve
Got to deal,
Keep it cool,
Keep it real.

There are people who simply cannot sit still.  They don't just fidget, they must be on the move and get up to do something they forgot about, or just to walk to the door and look outside; sometimes they go outside and walk around the yard or prune the plants.  They feel ill at ease with simply being still, as if it is a waste of time and they are unproductive in life. They never mastered the fine art of sitting still.

You might be wondering what is so special about sitting still. Well, it is something that I do and enjoy it. I like sitting still and contemplating whatever comes to mind. My favorite place to sit is outside. Outdoors I can notice the way the dappled sunlight highlights different parts of the landscape, objects on the ground, and potted plants, for instance. I can watch leaves flutter in the breeze, and watch clouds sail across the sky and birds flit tree to tree or soar on air currents high above that I can't feel on the ground. I can hear birds singing, the slap of someone’s shoes walking down the street, and the tinkling of wind chimes. Sitting still also allows my mind to wander, and give me a break from current worries and things that puzzle me. Quiet contemplation frees my mind to wander memory lane, or make plans for the future. It allows for daydreaming and writing poems in my head that never make it to paper, as fleeting as a wisp of smoke. This summer, being that we are still in our months long quarantine,  I have taken to spending time on lazy afternoons on either the shady patio or sun dappled deck blowing bubbles for Hillary's amusement. I highly recommend this activity even if you don't have someone to amuse for a while. Blowing bubbles causes you to take deep breaths and empty your lungs slowly. Watching the translucent orbs, with their rainbow on one edge, float away or be carried off on the breeze is a relaxing way to spend some time.  You can even imagine the delicate spheres are carrying away your troubled thoughts, or carrying messages to your loved ones in Heaven. That's a lovely thought, isn't it?  It's hard to blow bubbles when you're on the move; it's only possible when you're still.

I recommend trying sitting quietly for a bit some lazy afternoon under the shade of a big tree, sipping iced tea and perhaps blowing bubbles. Then contemplate the clouds sailing across the sky for a bit and listen to the sounds around you.  It can be very refreshing for both your body and mind.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Father's Day Again


A dad will tell a joke that’s lame,
You will laugh just the same,
He will say that you must hurry,
Then will tell you not to worry,
Sometimes he might curse and grumble,
But when praised will seem humble,
He will watch his children grow,
With love and pride he may not show.

Well here we are at Father's Day again. The years go by so quickly that it feels like we just celebrated this day not too long ago, but, obviously it's been a whole year.  This year, as in most previous years, we spent the day quietly and just with the four of us. Not just because of the pandemic, but that's who we are. We are low key and content to spend a lazy afternoon in our air conditioning since it was a hot & humid day. It was at least sunny so I could use the grill to cook dinner. It was requested that I cook a T-bone steak and some foil pouch potatoes on the grill. I added shrimp cocktail, asparagus and sautéed mushrooms to the menu, with mixed berries and whipped cream for dessert.  It was all delicious!

While I was out cooking on the deck I could hear what some of the neighbors were doing to celebrate. It was so nice to hear kids laughing and squealing with delight, and some were splashing & playing in a pool with their dads. One neighbor, who has no small children and is divorced was talking on the phone while watering new grass in her yard. Perhaps she was talking to her father, I like to think so but I don't know.  Still another began mowing his lawn after dinner while his children played together, the little girl dancing around in a princess dress. It was a really pleasant day, and quite relaxing.

Fathers. They're all different, yet some things are the same--lame "Dad" jokes, reassuring, sometimes cranky, awkward and humble when praised, and loving under a somewhat gruff exterior. Those of us blessed with good fathers are grateful beyond measure.

Monday, June 1, 2020


Hello June!
Farewell, May!
You were weird,
We are halfway
Through this year,
We’ve been challenged,
Things are rough,
To get through it all,
We must be tough.

     As I folded some laundry today I thought about how my mother used to come to my house and fold the laundry when my girls were babies. It was such a big help to me, and I still am thankful when either my daughter or husband fold whatever's in the basket waiting to be dealt with. It's always the little things that bring to mind a loved one who is no longer here.
     Little, mundane, seemingly unimportant things are what jogs my memory of my parents. They are present always in my everyday life. Using a certain paring knife in the kitchen, the sound of a lawnmower, or the smell of coffee brewing are common occurrences that start me thinking of my parents. I think I remember those things more than any big events like birthdays or graduations. It was the stability of those common objects, sounds, and smells that made for a happy, safe childhood. My parents were there, every day, no matter what else was happening in life. It's what makes home such a haven for most people. If you're having a bad day, you know that when at last you step across the threshold there will be a place for you that are familiar, welcoming, and comfortable. You will be calmed by the familiar sound of the refrigerator's hum mixed with the radio playing, perhaps the lingering smell of the morning's coffee intertwined with the scent of soap and a favorite candle, or the sight of the sun slanting through the window highlighting your favorite seat and cozy throw. The things we don't really think much about are the background of our lives; subconsciously keeping us centered and able to cope with things life throws our way in an average day. It's one of the greatest gifts we get from our past, if we have had any sort of stability in our childhood and youth. It helps us meet challenges head on and have some resilience and toughness when things start to wear us down.
      Of course, in our current tumultuous world, any bit of comfort and stability are even more important. To be able to look forward to the familiar at the end of a long day is one of the greatest sources of comfort I know. Comfort and stability will continue to be important in the months, and years to come.