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Friday, March 20, 2020

Taking a Break

With the COVID-19 Pandemic racing across the land, most of us are now on an extended break from our regular lives.  So many of us don’t know what to do with all the time we suddenly find ourselves faced with in our homes.  In order to feel less isolated, and because I truly miss my coworkers, we are keeping in touch via a group text, as well as some individual texting and phone calls.  One of my friends/coworkers and I were talking about beautiful places we’ve been right here in our area.  This brought up memories for me of one place in particular: Swartzwood Lake.  She and her husband enjoy going there fishing, as well as a small restaurant near there.  I’ve never been to the restaurant, but I’ve been on the lake.
               Swartzwood Lake State Park is in northwest NJ, and the center piece of the park is a glacier lake which is the 3rd largest natural lake in the state.   It’s about 3 miles long, and a mile across, and about 22 feet deep, on average, and 42 feet at its deepest.  There are a swimming beach, and trails, picnic grounds, rowboat and canoe rentals, and tent camp sites. It’s truly a beautiful place and I have fond memories of going there when I was a young adult.  I used to take my dog up there in the fall, along with a thermos of hot chocolate when I got off of work in the morning.  I worked from 10:00 pm to 6:00 pm in a donut shop when I left college after 2 semesters.  It was so peaceful in the morning, and the cool air felt refreshing after standing over a fryer full of donuts all night.  Around the same time period, my friend and I went there a few times in the summer and rented a rowboat to just row and float around the lake and while away the time.  The water was so nice and cool to dip my hands in, and the rowing was excellent exercise. Sun dappling the water through trees along the edges of the lake, and the gentle slap of the water against the boat are among my impressions and memories of those days.  After I met my husband, we used to go up in the summer with a picnic. We’d spend some time on the swimming beach, walk some of the trails, then find a picnic site with a grill and have hamburgers and potato chips.  Those were happy times, and memories I treasure.  To be young and in love, and outside in the fresh air in a beautiful setting in the summer; it doesn’t get much better than that!
               This is a stressful time for the world right now, and having nice memories to recount is one way to make it less so.  We need to take a mental break from the news and predictions of what’s to come, as well as how inhumane and selfish some people can be.  If my little blog can give you a little respite from the fear and worry, I am glad to be of service.  Stay 6 feet away from everyone, and stay well! Oh, and wash your hands………

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent post!! And I remember renting a rowboat with you! Those were the days, indeed.