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Friday, July 26, 2019

Christmas in July

I don’t know how Christmas in July started, or when, but I think it was likely some creative retailer’s way to increase sales in the middle of the summer when people have better things to do than shop.  The first I ever heard of it was when my kids were young and a teacher in the summer program asked if anyone had a table top artificial Christmas tree they could borrow.  After that I started to notice it in stores, so I guess it’s like when you’re looking to buy a red car all you see are red cars, even though they have likely been there all along without you taking any notice.  This year I decided to take it out of the background of my consciousness and act upon it.

It started with noticing that I had too many baking supplies in my pantry that I bought last December and didn’t use.  Even though we have been having some record breaking hot weather around here, I decided to do some baking.  I started with Fudge Nut Bars, and while they were baking I decided that I would write a long overdue letter to my friend who lives far away.  Then I decided that to save me from myself, (if I have the cookies in the house, I’m going to eat them; all of them.), so I packaged some in a Christmas themed container and mailed them to her along with the letter.  I also sent a plate of them with my daughter to put in the break room where she works.  I reasoned with myself that everyone bakes in December, but nobody really does in July.  Since I’m not working in the summer, and we are lucky enough to have central air conditioning, I enjoy baking year round.  I still had an abundance of baking supplies and my next temptation was chocolate chip cookies.  I must confess I have given none of them away; instead we’ve been munching away on them.  I had over ripe bananas so I made banana bread, one loaf I kept, and the other I took to an indoor cookout. (Yup, it’s an oxymoron but that’s what it was due to the excessive heat.)  Then someone in my husband’s office gave him a huge zucchini, perhaps it weighed about 4 lbs., and was over 2 feet long.  I made zucchini bread with that, and some fritters.  I kept one loaf of the bread, sent one to the woman who gave us the monstrosity, and gave one to the staff at my daughter’s day program.  They were so thankful for the treat!  Then I had more overripe bananas, so I made chocolate chip banana cupcakes with vanilla frosting.  I packaged up half of them and took to her physical therapist and staff saying “Merry Christmas in July!”  They enjoyed them, and I enjoyed how they dug right in and her assistant, with a little frosting on the corner of his lips declared them “So good!”

You know, it doesn’t take much to make people happy, to brighten their day.  Home baked goods always seem to be welcomed, and especially so in the summer when nobody else is giving them out. I still have various dried fruits, nuts, and some of the chocolate chips left, and time for doing things I enjoy.  I’m guessing there’s more baking in the near future and surprises in store for some lucky friends.

1 comment:

Kathi said...

What a great idea.... Christmas baking in July!! So many people, everyone actually, enjoys being a recipient of that!! And fun for the baker especially!!