Sometimes I see things
on TV or social media and I ask myself why? Why is that something someone did
and then took a picture or a video and put it out there in the universe?
Recently I saw a video on Facebook that
someone made of a chicken wearing pants and running around outside with other
chickens. I showed it to my daughter and asked her why someone would do that?
First, how do you think to put pants on a chicken and second, how would you
accomplish that, and third why do you take a video of it and post it on social
media? I guess it isn’t hurting the chicken, it seemed happy enough, I just
don’t understand it. We had a good laugh over it.
We watch cartoons a
lot in our house and so we also see the commercials targeting kids. Why, just
why, are there such gross games being made and marketed to kids? There’s a
toilet game that shoots a piece of poop into the air. I’m not sure if that
means you lost or won the game, but in real life you’ve definitely lost if that
happens. There is another game where the players are popping pimples on a
plastic head. Unless you’re hoping your child grows up to be a dermatologist,
what is the value of this game? I don’t understand this trend. Do we really need to encourage kids to do
gross things? It’s been my personal
experience both as a former kid and a mother that they are quite adept at doing
gross, disgusting things without any encouragement at all. Maybe I’ve just gotten old, or maybe because
I am a mother to only girls, but I don’t see why these things exist.
When watching the
news there are many times when I silently ask why? There are statements made by celebrities and
political figures that keep me wondering what is happening. There are crimes
reported that are just strange, such as someone licking the doorbell on the house
of a stranger for hours, robbers caught snuggling on a couch with the family
dog in a house they were burgling, and Christmas decorations stolen and then
returned when the thieves had a change of heart. Every time there is a change of weather, it
seems as if there needs to be team coverage to demonstrate that it’s going to
snow in January, or be 100 degrees and humid in July along with warnings to
either stay warm and bundled up, or stay hydrated and don’t do anything
strenuous in the heat of midday. I think
we don’t really need to be reminded of these common sense self- preservation
tactics. How did our species manage to
survive all this time without an official reminder? Are there really lots of people out there who
don’t understand that when it’s cold out you should wear a coat, or when it’s
hot out you might consider taking it easy and drinking a little extra
water? Just why do they feel we need to
be reminded constantly? I don’t get it.
There are many
things in life that I don’t understand; things that make me ask the universe “Why? Just why?”
I don’t expect an answer.
You ask good questions!!
You may not expect an answer but doesn't it feel good to write it out! I agree with you.... why?
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