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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thoughts on a Wednesday Evening

~Tomato soup and grilled cheese, mac & cheese, bread pudding—just some of the most comforting foods on Earth.

~Don’t say you’ll “never” do something because one day you might find yourself doing and enjoying the thing you said you wouldn’t.

~I’m enjoying watching baseball (Yankees) so much that I don’t know what I’ll watch when the season ends. This is a new activity for me. (see the previous thought!)

~I think the papers have won, and I need a secretary.

~2012 has not been my favorite year.

~Changes in friendships are inevitable as we all continue to grow and evolve.

~I think my smart aleck phone and I have come to an understanding—at least for now.

~Halloween is an odd “holiday”.

~Sometimes the best thing you can do is just show up and smile; the rest will fall into place.  This applies to about 80% of life.

~Sometimes you get what you want, sometimes you get what you need, and sometimes you get what you get.

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