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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday's Thoughts

Today I am pondering some things that may or may not have easy answers.

There has been much debate lately (at least in the media) about bullying. There seems to be some surprise that bullying is an issue, and some people seem to believe it is a recent societal problem, and that we have become a “nation of weenies“. I remember my own childhood, and how beginning in the sixth grade I was bullied by some other kids, and it continued to some extent into my first year of high school. I suspect there are many people who had similar experiences. Yes, I survived to become a relatively well adjusted adult. The difference between now and then (trust me it was decades ago) is that I could get away from it. When I went home, I was safe. No cell phones and text messages, or even anyone calling my phone to harass me since they would have had to talk to my mother first. No anonymity for the caller and that was without caller I.D. Just my mother saying, “Who’s calling?” if they had asked for me. There was no internet, so no instant messaging, e-mail, or social networking account to be tortured through. Perhaps one of the reasons that bullying hurts so much more now is that there is no way for kids to really get away from it. Even if a child has a close relationship with family and can talk about it, it is still in their house, their room, their pocket.


I don’t understand why many people are so defensive and closed minded/hearted when it comes to including those with disabilities in daily life on a regular--daily--basis. What on earth are they afraid of losing from their “normal” lives by making some small accommodation, or giving the disabled a chance to do something meaningful? It hurts when I hear that staff look at my daughter and say “she can’t do anything, she doesn’t belong here”, (they didn’t say it to me, but to her aide and right in front of her), or when I overhear other staff members complaining about what a pain it is to have a disabled boy helping them. Sometimes I can’t help but wish that one day those people will be in a position similar to my daughter, or that disabled boy so they can feel the pain of being excluded from society in such a way.


Why does a boss not see that you get much more from your employees when you encourage, take an interest, and consider suggestions than you do by giving only negative comments over the phone and rarely showing up when the bulk of the work is being done? How can you expect your business to do well, and the employees to give their all under those circumstances?


So those are my Tuesday thoughts, heavy, yes, but they’ve been bugging me lately. Next post will be of a happier, lighter tone--promise!

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