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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Early Mornings

Clouds aloft sail the sky
Like a fleet of ships at sea
Rising sun lights the underside
Of each and every tree
Once upon a time I slept
Through every rising sun
Now I awaken with the birds
Who greet the day one by one.

I'm not quite sure how I came to be someone who routinely wakes up on weekends with the sun. I suspect it's a combination of having kids, some mild chronic back pain, and aging. I used to love staying in bed until at least mid morning on the weekend and any day I had off. Things change over time and sleeping/waking habits aren't exempt from that. When I was a young child I remember being outside on the swing set in the summer early in the day, before the sun heated things up too much, the grass still wet with dew and the bees not yet buzzing from flower to flower. I remember the joy of it. My mother hanging out the laundry, checking the berry bushes, and pulling stray weeds from around the flowers. I love those memories and going back to that time in my mind, and feeling those feelings. Early mornings, especially on weekends, are a time for reflection and walks down memory lane.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Early mornings, especially on weekends, are a time for reflection and walks down memory lane." How very lovely and true that is! :-)