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Friday, July 12, 2024

Hot Summer Nights

 Recently we spent an evening with friends on their boat, motoring around the lake, dining at a lakeside restaurant and ending the evening eating cookies and brownies while watching fireworks and talking.  We were with the same group on Memorial Day weekend at another couple’s house talking and laughing over good food on their deck and later around the kitchen table sharing treats and stories. It got me to remembering the hot summer nights of my younger adult/late teenage years spending time with a group of friends talking and laughing, especially ones in my early twenties when I was working the graveyard shift at a 24 hour donut shop chain.

It was the early 1980’s, a time when there weren’t many places open all night in our rural area, and convenience stores were few and far between. Summer nights were especially lively. There were plenty of bars and they closed around 2:00 a.m. which is when my donut shop got a rush of drunken, mostly happy customers looking to sober up a bit over coffee and donuts. There were some locals who walked down to the shop after the local go-go bar closed, I believe they were also high. One night they ordered some chicken noodle soup and giggled as they poured some noodles on each other’s hands. They were always entertaining and kept to themselves. They didn’t make too much of a mess so we didn’t pay too much attention to them—they were harmless. There were times, though when a more rowdy crowd rolled in and we had to keep an eye on them in case we needed to call the police to handle them, at which time it seemed like every police car from our town, neighboring towns and the state police showed up. There was one hot summer night, I think it was a Saturday night that we were especially busy once the area bars closed. The counter seats were all taken, and a couple groups were hanging out in the parking lot goofing around, laughing, and eating donuts. It was noisy inside and hot because of course the air conditioning couldn’t keep up with the sticky humid air. A small group of guys and girls came in, one of the girls ordered a hot tea and went on to the ladies room while the rest of her group waited for their orders to be filled. Upon exiting the ladies room the girl grabbed her paper cup of tea from the counter, took the lid off, dumped the scalding hot brew down the back of another girl in the group and walked out. Mayhem ensued with screaming and yelling, people rushing outside to the parking lot, and fists flying. My coworker rushed to the phone and called the local police, (this was before 911 was in place), and within minutes the parking lot held at least 8 police cars from our town, the state police, and neighboring towns. It was pretty wild. I don’t remember how many if anyone was arrested, but the crowd dispersed and the quiet of the wee hours on a summer Saturday night settled in. I will probably never forget that night, it was so crazy.

Gathering with friends on a hot summer night is probably one of life’s greatest pleasures, sharing memories and making new ones. I’m fortunate to have many such nights to remember when I’m feeling nostalgic.