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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Summer's End Haiku

This odd summer wanes
Everything seems mixed up
There were some good times

That about sums it up. We began with Hillary's high school graduation and my unknown employment status. Then Hillary began her next chapter at the special needs medical daycare and I tried to sort through both objects and papers as well as emotions from the past 18 years. Hillary transitioned to her new program very well. I felt as if I couldn't get my feet under me. There were, however, good times spent with friends and family. Shopping at the mall, lunches, sitting around a backyard campfire talking with friends late into the evening, game days, a wedding and of course vacation were the best parts of the summer. The weather was mostly beautiful-warm with low humidity, a few rainy days and a couple very hot humid days thrown in just to remind us of the season. The hottest high humidity days came in September where on the calendar summer remains until the end of the month. Along with the heat the final few weeks of the season brought a new employer in the same job, same location, and mostly the same coworkers but shorter hours for me. Shorter hours necessary because Hillary's daycare starts later than her school day did. As we settle in to our new routines and my feelings begin to sort themselves out I look forward to finishing dealing with those objects left from the 18 years of Hillary's school career and make room in my house and my head for the future.

Friday, August 8, 2014


I've been thinking about some of my favorite things and places this summer. 

1. Sleeping past 4:00 a.m.
2. Cool mornings with a cup of tea.
3. Iced coffee in a glass glass, not a plastic one.
4. Old episodes of "Bones" and "NCIS".
5. Watching the Yankees.
6. Reading in the gazebo by the veterans memorial and pond at Turkey Brook Park. (It just sounds nice, right?)
7. Leftovers for lunch.
8. Adam's Family Restaurant.
9. Panera, with Anna.
10. Hearing the peepers at night.
11. Sitting around the fire pit in a friend's backyard sipping iced tea and laughing until midnight with a group of friends.
12. Watching vegetables grow and waiting for tomatoes to ripen.
13. Road trips.
14. Getting rid of clutter.
15. Game day with my sister-in-law and niece. 
16. Veggies and dip.
17. Thunder rumbling in the distance.
18. Barbecue chicken.
19. Carnivals.
20. Bright sun, blue sky and white puffy clouds.

Make yourself a list of your summer favorites, it's a nice way to end the day.

Looking toward the pond from inside the gazebo at Turkey Brook Park.