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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday Thanks

Today instead of just thoughts on Thursday, I decided to do some thanks.
For the beautiful blue sky, white puffy clouds, unseasonably warm weather, and sunshine today I give thanks.

For having my own washer and dryer, I am thankful.

For the mail delivery system which enables me to receive letters and cards from friends and family who live far away I give thanks.

For the ability to think and write, and the freedom to express my thoughts openly without fear of anyone, I am thankful.

For a quirky sense of humor and the ability to find the absurd in nearly everything, I give thanks.

For my back patio and back yard, I am thankful.

For a good cup of coffee in the afternoon, I give thanks.

For the abundant availability of sweets and pastries, I am thankful.

For affordable fresh fruit year round, I give thanks.

For relaxing afternoons, I am thankful.

For you, reading my blog, I give thanks.


Elizabeth @ Love Is the Adventure said...

Today, I am thankful for my health, for library books (!!), for clean drinking water, for law enforcement, for a free press, for clean laundry, and leftover Valentine's Day candy! :)

Kathi said...

Being thankful is the best way to live. We miss so much by not acknowledging all we have. I loved this Sue....